Over the Christmas holiday period and the past few days I’ve read eight different articles from varying company’s and people’s predictions for the property market in 2018. In all fairness no one is saying anything dramatic or overtly negative and whilst the media as a whole have a tendency to focus in an negativity it’s all broadly positive.

In brief summary informed opinion is saying that the market will continue to grow but at a reduced level which is not new news and something we commented on a number of times last year. What is worthy is the focus on the rate of growth which they believe will be the lowest since 2011. Whilst I take the point it’s not earth bad news…is it! Ongoing year on year strong ‘hedonistic’ growth is not sustainable and more subdued periods are welcome to stable people’s expectations, the market demand and overall pricing. Steady growth is fine by us. It proves the stability of property and the medium to long term benefits of a bricks and mortar investment.

The buy to let market has gone through some tough changes in the past couple of years and landlords have had to work smarter to retain their returns but the simple fact is that all reports forecast ongoing demand for the UK buy to let market and the lucrative returns on offer. The advice hasn’t changed – buy carefully, buy with discount, buy in growth areas,  buy where rental demand is strong and take advice from experience property professionals.
